Grand scale lamella supply in Egypt
Grand scale lamella supply in Egypt
ECOTEC at the 4th Edition of Salón del Gas Renovable 2024
Sustainable use of CO2 for biological methanation
WIP: New installation in a Biogas upgrading plant in France
CS: New biofilter system for a MSW plant in Madrid
WIP: Odor control unit in a composting plant in Cádiz
CASE STUDY: Biofilter for 100,000 m3/h in Galicia, Spain
New NH3 Stripping for slurry treatment
CASE STUDY: Bioscrubber for off-gas from biogas upgrading
WIP: Bioscrubber for biogas upgrading in Herning
Case Study: Chemical scrubber for food & beverage industry
Visit us at III Salón del Gas Renovable
WORK IN PROGRESS: Lamella tubSed installation in Philippines
CASE STUDY: Bioscrubber for a BUP in Lituania
CASE STUDY: Biotrickling systems in Red Sea WWTP
CASE STUDY: Bioscrubber for food&beverage plant in Argentina
Turnkey installation of lamellar system and scrapers in Malaga
System supplied to La Vintena municipal solid waste plant
New odor and pollutant treatment system delivered to a Rendering company in Colombia
CASE STUDY: Odor treatment in an MSW Plant in Algarve
Major supply of scrapers in Bucharest
CASE STUDY: Scrubbing tower in Navarra, Spain
WORK IN PROGRESS: dBiox® bioscrubber for off-gas
New HQ
tubSed® lamellas and covers
CASE STUDY: dBiox® Bioscrubber for CHP in Egypt
Why dBiox®?
CASE STUDY: dBiox® Biotrickling for WWTP biogas
WORK IN PROGRESS: GRP covers to Ireland
New branch office in USA
WORK IN PROGRESS: Odor treatment upgrading in MSW plant
CASE STUDY: Biofilter in MSW treatment plant in Portugal
dBiox® Biotrickling design optimization
WORK IN PROGRESS: dBiox® bioscrubber in Murcia
CASE STUDY: dBiox® Bioscrubber in a landfill in Ireland
WORK IN PROGRESS: tubSed® at WWTP Zaragoza
CASE STUDY: Biotrickling at a fruit processing plant
Celebrating 30 years
CASE STUDY: Chemical scrubber in Denmark
Currently producing more than 25.000 m2 of GRP covers
Turning challenging times into opportunities
Top view of Alfarrás cover
ECOTEC implements 3D CAD system
CASE STUDY: Saudi Arabia compact lamella clarifiers
ECOTEC wishes you a Merry Christmas!
ECOTEC implements Compliance program
Thank you for visiting our stand at ECOMONDO 2019!
Convocatoria Junta General Extraordinaria de Accionistas
ECOTEC will be exhibiting at ECOMONDO
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